If you've been looking for a stock firmware file that is flashable without PC for Huawei Y541-U02, here ends your search.
This firmware can be easily flashed on your device by pressing a few button combos. If your device is soft-bricked or stuck in a boot loop, this will help fix the issue.
This post was inspired by the comments of a http://mohdrazeefrisbey.blogspot.com /" target="_blank">Leakite Android Blog reader, and direct emails from others to my mailbox. Thanks to them, some others will benefit from this.
- Huawei Y541-U02 stock firmware - Download
- Huawei Y541-U02 PAC Stock ROM - http://mohdrazeefrisbey.blogspot.com /2016/10/download-huawei-y541-u02-stock-pac.html" target="_blank">Download
Note that this is World Wide version. You can select your region when booting up the device for the first time after flashing this firmware.
How to flash Huawei Y541-U02 stock firmware
After downloading the stock firmware from above link, follow the steps below:
- Unpack the download firmware archive to your desktop
- Get an sdcard. An empty sdcard is preferable.
- Copy the folder dload from the unpacked firmware archive to the root of your sdcard
- Now power of your phone completely, remove battery and re-insert after a few seconds.
- Ensure your phone is charged to atleast 60%.
- Hold Volume Up and Volume Down then press Power button.
- Hold all three buttons until a software upgrade progress bar is displayed on your phone's screen.
- Release buttons now, and wait for the installation process to complete. Do not interrupt the process.
- Once complete, reboot the phone to system.
Congratulations! You have successfully flashed your Huawei Ascend Y5 Y541-U02 with its stock firmware.
If you have downloaded a firmware package in .PAC extension, follow this guide to http://mohdrazeefrisbey.blogspot.com /2015/11/how-to-flash-stock-rom-firmware-on-any.html" target="_blank">flash the .pac firmware in a few minutes.
Note: If for any reason you want to boot your Huawei Y541-U02 phone into flashmode / fastboot mode: power off the phone then remove battery for a few seconds and reinsert. Now press and hold Volume up and Volume down while connecting the phone to computer via USB cable. This will put your device in flashmode.
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